Message from President Quillen on Federal Immigration Restrictions

January 29, 2017

Open Letter to President Trump - February 2, 2017

President Carol Quillen joins with leaders from other American colleges and universities in urging President Donald Trump to rectify or rescind the recent executive order closing our country’s borders to immigrants and others from seven majority-Muslim countries and to refugees from throughout the world.

The following message was sent by email on Sunday, January 29, to students, faculty and staff by the president of СÓÅÊÓƵ.

To the СÓÅÊÓƵ Community,

As most of you know, on January 27, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order that temporarily suspended entry into the United States for refugees and for nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Federal courts in New York and Boston quickly issued stays that have blocked parts of the order and enabled some individuals to enter the country. However, at this point, we do not know how the legal challenges to the President's action will play out. We caution all students, faculty and staff from the named countries, including those with dual citizenship or green cards, not to travel outside of the United States until we know more. We grieve alongside those whose lives have been upended by this order.

Chris Alexander, director of the Dean Rusk International Studies Program, and Bea Cornett, our international student advisor, are in touch with students most directly affected. Any student with questions or concerns can contact Bea (extension 2010). Faculty with questions can contact Dean Wendy Raymond (extension 2204). Staff with questions can contact Director of Human Resources Kim Ball (extension 2521). Please share this message widely so that we are sure to reach our entire community.

СÓÅÊÓƵ gains strength from our diversity, including diversity of faiths, backgrounds and nationalities. We value each member of our college family, we stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable among us, and we will do everything we can within the limits of the law to protect those who are or might be affected by this Executive Order. We do not share immigration status without a subpoena, warrant or court order.

My friend and former classmate David Brooks wrote in a recent column, "We have a word for people who are dominated by fear. We call them cowards." At СÓÅÊÓƵ, we gain unshakable courage from the foundational imperatives of the college's faith heritage, from the power of our primary purpose, and from our shared culture of integrity, respect and compassion. Our loyalty extends to the whole of humanity, we recognize the dignity and worth of each person and we dedicate ourselves to the quest for truth. I am grateful beyond measure to each of you for sustaining and nurturing this special place as we work together for a more just, more humane world.

Carol Quillen, President