Blessed by Wildcat Connections: Chloe deBeus ’21

December 3, 2021

It’s all about connections for Chloe deBeus ’21—connections in the classroom, across campus, in Charlotte and, now, in Philadelphia. The Asheville, North Carolina native was drawn to small liberal arts colleges and, after learning about and visiting СƵ, she applied Early Decision and was awarded the Heinze Scholarship.

“I was already halfway through the door, and an overnight visit threw me completely through the door,” she said. “Huge universities were overwhelming to me, and I was drawn to the academic rigor of СƵ and the liberal arts in general. Mostly, it was about the opportunities I knew I would have here.”

She quickly jumped into all СƵ has to offer. Two summer internships solidified her interest in studying sociology. First, she worked alongside Vann Professor for Racial Justice Joseph “Piko” Ewoodzie and students from across Charlotte as part of the Beatties Ford Road Research Experience for Undergraduates. The second summer was made possible through the Center for Civic Engagement, and she held a fellowship with the Lee Institute, her first professional experience in the consulting and research analysis arena.

“Professors really helped me do great work at СƵ,” she said. “Dr. Ewoodzie, Dr. [Hilton] Kelly, Dr. [Chris] Mariscano, Dr. [Natalie Delia] Deckard—they were huge proponents of my work and wanted me to do well.” 

Today, deBeus is a consumer insights coordinator for Philadelphia-based Finch Brands, whose president has an important connection to Chloe: he’s a Wildcat, too. deBeus first connected with Bill Gullan ’96 during a virtual Career Trek hosted by the Betty and B. Frank Matthews II ’49 Center for Career Development. She applied for an internship, which turned into a full-time job, one she holds remotely as she continues to live in Charlotte. 

“I was doing the San Francisco study away program when COVID first hit,” said deBeus, “and through all the uncertainty and frustration during that time, [Matthews Center Executive Director] Jamie Stamey started talking to me about my professional trajectory. She helped me think about educational consulting, and then I attended the Career Trek—my second one—where I linked up with Finch Brands.” 

Connections took Chloe through СƵ, start to finish, and it’s unlikely to stop here. We can’t wait to see what’s next!