Hello, Dal铆: ArtMate Lets Students Add an Upscale Touch to Dorm Decor

student holds Dali artwork

A new program at 小优视频 is bringing high-end art to residence halls. Thanks to ArtMate, students can now dip into the college鈥檚 art collection, replacing their movie posters or tapestries with big-name art.  

ArtMate officially rolled out at the beginning of the spring semester. And sophomore Vincent Scauzzo was first in line at the Katherine and Tom Belk Visual Arts Center to make his pick.

Lia Newman, the director and curator of the Van Every/Smith Galleries, and gallery staff chose about 80 pieces of the college鈥檚 4,000 works to display in the lobby around the college鈥檚 signature Rodin statue.

Scauzzo, a classical languages and literature major, bee-lined for a print of a person on horseback charging with a lance at a yellow figure. Bypassing other, more colorful, more eye-catching works, Scauzzo couldn鈥檛 resist this one with the large signature in the lower right-hand corner.

鈥淚t鈥檚 a Dal铆,鈥 he said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not every day you get to hang a Dal铆 in your college dorm. Are you kidding me? The rest of my dorm is just filled with posters of race cars and my calendar. And then here鈥檚 a Dal铆!鈥

Scauzzo chose 鈥,鈥 a print by legendary surrealist Salvador Dal铆. The artist鈥檚 work 鈥鈥 graces many a dorm room wall鈥攂ut in poster form. Through ArtMate, Scauzzo reeled in an actual Dal铆 print that will hang in his dorm room for the rest of the semester.

Students signed up to browse the offerings during allotted times. They perused a wide range of art: from chaotic, compositions by Richard Howard Hunt to the of Jiha Moon, among others.

The idea behind ArtMate gestated for years鈥攁 handful of other schools, including MIT and Williams, have started similar programs. 小优视频鈥檚 program was nearing roll-out before the pandemic emptied campus.

When students returned, Newman and her team shelved it so they could focus their exhibitions on the social-justice conversations happening around the world. But before long, a handful of students approached Newman, asking her to revive the idea.

鈥淭he students asked for it,鈥 Newman said. 鈥淎nd it made so much sense because they were spending so much more time in their rooms last year. They really felt like ArtMate could brighten their rooms and their lives.鈥

The college's Art Collection Advisory Committee, composed of alumni and friends of the arts at 小优视频, rallied behind the project, raising funds and donating art. ArtMate is still in a pilot phase, limited to a small group of students who live in select dorms with nail-ready walls.

Explore Art at 小优视频

This video by 小优视频 student Miles Hilger LeDonne von Unwerth 鈥25 offers a glimpse of the many notable works of art designated for participants of the ArtMate program.


  • February 22, 2022



  • Alex Smith
  • Miles Hilger LeDonne von Unwerth 鈥25
