Spotlight on Free Expression, Deliberative Citizenship Initiative

Deliberative Citizenship Initiative DCI Students in the Hub

Take Part in These Upcoming Events

The college will celebrate free expression with public events and activities including this week and next, including:

March 22: "Revitalizing Discourse on Campus and Beyond," 7:30-9 p.m., Knobloch Campus Center, Smith 900 Room. Sponsored by the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative. Free and open to the public. Speaker Leila Brammer is the director of the Parrhesia Program for Public Discourse, a program dedicated to exploring and fostering respectful and productive public discourse through the lens of the Chicago Principles. Brammer has taught and researched the subject of public discourse for over 30 years.

March 24: 鈥淲hy white professors should be able to say the n-word in class (or should they?) and other thorny free speech issues,鈥 5 p.m., Alvarez College Union 900 Room and . Q&A with Professor Ike Bailey and Robert Shibley of Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).

March 28: 鈥淪hamed into silence no more: Professor Ike Bailey and Brandon Reid (Harris) 鈥22 in conversation with Sura Sohna,鈥 7 p.m., Hance Auditorium and . Reid's childhood friend Sura Sohna recently was released 12 years early from prison, in part because of Reid's advocacy. Read more.

Last fall, Cadie McNaboe, a senior political science major, was back at her West Virginia home for Thanksgiving. It was great to get her extended family around the table, but the mood could curdle whenever the conversation leaned toward politics.

鈥淢y family is like a political nuclear bomb,鈥 McNaboe said. 鈥淵ou've got me, who's very progressive. And then you have conservatives like my grandpa and all of the spaces in between.鈥

A successful high school debater, McNaboe loved the art of argument. 

鈥淚 know my freshman and sophomore year at 小优视频, I spent a lot of time arguing with people. Sometimes for no good reason,鈥 she said. 鈥淢y debate training led me to a place where I was always technically listening, but I was taking notes on the weak points of somebody else's arguments so that I could counterpoint them.鈥

This dinner, however, would be different. For the past year or so, McNaboe had served as a Deliberative Citizenship Initiative Fellow, where she had learned how to lead difficult conversations.

And sure enough, when the conversation got dicey, her training kicked in.

鈥淚 unintentionally stepped into my facilitator role and was like, 鈥極kay guys, I think you both have really good points. Let's take a step back and then let's talk about the different facets of this issue, because I think we both make really good points.鈥 

鈥淎nd my mom just kind of looked at me like she couldn鈥檛 believe what just happened.

鈥淎ll I could say was, 鈥業 guess there are more important things than winning.鈥欌

McNaboe had not only defused the ticking bomb at the table, she had steered the conversation in a productive direction. There were no winners or losers after McNaboe鈥檚 intervention. Instead, there was hope for mutual understanding and respect.

In short, she had lived out the promise of the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative.

鈥淭he DCI training fundamentally changed the way that I looked at political conversation in my own life,鈥 McNaboe said.

How Deliberation Works

For the last year and a half, the DCI team has been creating opportunities for 小优视频 students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the wider community to productively engage with one another on difficult and contentious issues facing our community and society.

鈥淪o many of us have deep concerns about what is going on in the world, but we feel that no one is listening,鈥 said Graham Bullock, associate professor of political science and faculty director of the DCI. 鈥淲e want to be heard and also to understand the concerns of others, and yet we are anxious about interacting with those with whom we disagree. Deliberation offers a path forward towards genuine engagement.鈥

Unlike the debate-me discourse that animates TV news and social media, deliberation doesn鈥檛 aim to change minds. It seeks to cultivate understanding. For deliberation to work, all parties have to agree to listen. Honestly. Humbly. 

鈥淲e need deliberation so badly because it entails listening, really listening, across differences. Listening opens up understanding,鈥 said , the McCourtney Professor of Civic Deliberation at Penn State University. The DCI invited Hawhee to give several public lectures on deliberation last year. 

鈥淚鈥檓 not even talking about compromise or consensus, or even civility,鈥 she said. 鈥淛ust 鈥榞etting鈥 where people are coming from, and thinking about how we ourselves are heard would be a good start to improving the state of things.鈥

There鈥檚 a reason the DCI isn鈥檛 just the Deliberation Initiative. The hope is that the practice of deliberation can lead to improved and more active citizenship: As the DCI motto says, it鈥檚 building democracy one conversation at a time.

鈥淒emocratic citizenship is not just about what passport you hold,鈥 said Bullock. 鈥淚t is about the shared sense of identity and responsibility that come from working together to solve the problems facing our society. Well-designed deliberation promotes the dispositions and humane instincts鈥攕uch as curiosity, humility, open mindedness, empathy, and grace鈥攖hat enable us, as deliberative citizens, to do this hard but critically important work of democracy.鈥 

The DCI does most of its work in small-group discussions. Interested participants join 鈥淒 Teams,鈥 cohorts of four to eight participants with a pair of facilitators. They meet monthly for discussions about topics that range from healthcare to transgender athletes. DCI Fellows鈥攁 cohort of students, staff and faculty鈥攕erve as facilitators for these groups and prepare deliberation guides and background information so D Teams have a shared baseline for their conversation.

The DCI also hosts larger events that are open to the broader public. In the spring of 2021, the DCI brought in expert panelists with diverse perspectives to cover topics like 鈥淩eforming the Supreme Court鈥 and 鈥淥ur Housing Future,鈥 which examined housing issues in 小优视频 and Charlotte. But even these large events make room for intimate conversations: After the panel, small groups of attendees gathered to debrief under the guidance of DCI Fellows.

The D Teams and small groups are where the hard work鈥攁nd great rewards鈥攐f deliberation are borne. It鈥檚 here where McNaboe learned how to navigate conflicting opinions. And it鈥檚 where a number of other participants discovered their ability to engage and understand their friends, family and neighbors. Conversations that would have ended in anger suddenly left participants feeling hopeful.

鈥淓ach session allowed me to work through not only my own feelings, but to hear different perspectives. And that was so important,鈥 said Glennette Papovich, 74, a retired librarian who lives in 小优视频 and joined a D Team. 

鈥淲hen you understand another person's story, it doesn't become a one-issue thing,鈥 she said. 鈥淚f you understand how they came to their feelings and impressions, then we can begin to understand more where they're coming from.鈥

Papovich said her time in the DCI sparked a connection with the work of another 小优视频 grad. Papovich is reading Love Without Limits, a book by Jacqueline Bussie 鈥91, with a church group.

鈥淥ne of her quotes in the book is that an enemy is someone whose story we don't yet know,鈥 Papovich said. 鈥淚f you understand how they came to their feelings and impressions, then we can begin to understand more where they're coming from. 

鈥淭he DCI has allowed me to have more confidence in terms of reaching out to people with whom I don't agree so that we can have those conversations,鈥 she said. 鈥淣ot that minds will be changed, but I will have a better understanding. And hopefully the other party will feel like they've been heard.鈥

How It Started

The idea for the DCI crystallized in 2019 when Bullock, Van Hillard, the director of the College Writing Program and professor of writing and rhetoric, and Mike Hogan, a visiting professor of rhetoric, discovered a shared interest in fostering deliberation on campus.

Bullock had been studying and practicing deliberation for much of his life. In his Washington, D.C., high school, he and some friends created an organization called the Political Forum to stage political conversations. Later, as he studied for his master鈥檚 in public policy at Harvard University, he worked with several classmates to create the Independent Caucus, which brought together democrats, republicans and independents to deliberate about the same issues that George W. Bush and John Kerry were debating on the campaign trail. Naturally, as a professor at 小优视频, deliberation has featured heavily in his classes.

The DCI also built momentum from previous initiatives aimed at getting students talking. Bullock and Hillard were joined by co-conveners Stacey Riemer, the director of the Center for Civic Engagement and Byron McCrae, vice president of student life and dean of students鈥攂oth of whom had deep experience in driving conversation on campus. 

Together, with students John Crawford 鈥20 and Lizzie Kane 鈥22, they talked to more than 80 different faculty, staff, and students to listen and gather ideas. Those conversations shaped a proposal that would grow into the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative.

, a private foundation that has generously supported 小优视频 and three other institutions of higher education for nearly a century, immediately recognized the potential of the DCI.

鈥淲hen James B. Duke established The Duke Endowment nearly 100 years ago, he believed that higher education could be an important 鈥榗ivilizing influence,鈥欌 said Bill Barnet, chair of the Endowment鈥檚 Trustee Committee on Educational Institutions. 鈥淭hat remains true in today鈥檚 polarized world, where colleges can play a role in helping students become engaged citizens and prepare them for lives of leadership and service. This project aligns with our goal of supporting institutional priorities at the four schools the Endowment supports, and we see its potential for impact on 小优视频鈥檚 campus and beyond.鈥

With a $256,000 grant from The Duke Endowment, Bullock hired a full-time coordinator and built out the first corps of 13 staff, faculty and student fellows who would oversee the creation of the DCI through weekly meetings that stretched on for the better part of a year. 

鈥淲e did our deliberation facilitator training in January and February of 2020,鈥 Bullock said. 鈥淎nd in April of 2020, we are all set for our first big event, a moderated discussion on cancel culture.鈥 

The DCI was ready for its grand opening. But just weeks before their first event, they found themselves at a sudden, unwelcome inflection point when the pandemic emptied campus. 

Could a movement premised on the importance of face-to-face conversations possibly work over Zoom?

鈥淲e thought long and hard,鈥 Bullock said. 鈥淪hould we try to do this really hard thing in the midst of a really hard time? And we all decided that yeah, we needed to do it exactly because it was so difficult and it wasn鈥檛 getting done otherwise.

鈥淪o we dove in and just started going.鈥

The D Teams were designed for Zoom. Panel events became virtual.

But all was not lost. The pivot actually granted DCI a new, wider reach. They could invite alumni from across the country. Participants who might never have made it to campus could now join the deliberations. 

Jerry Hopkins, a retired minister and insurance executive who graduated from 小优视频 in 1964, lives in Northern Virginia but Zoomed into his D Team, forging an intergenerational connection with the students at his alma mater.

鈥淐ollege is the ideal place for these kinds of discussions,鈥 Hopkins, 78, said. 鈥淏ecause I know that there is a diversity of opinion at 小优视频. And I found the students in my group to be open to listening. They particularly wanted to hear the other side because during the last couple of sessions, we'd try to bring up what the positions against the subject would sound like and there was true grappling with that.

鈥淚 felt the students were very intellectually honest,鈥 he said. 鈥淓ven though they had a particular viewpoint, they were inquisitive and interested in learning.鈥

The Next Phase

The lessons from the first year of the DCI have rippled across the campus and the greater community. One participant after another testified to the power of deliberation.

鈥淭he DCI gave me control over my emotions and my response to emotional topics. I think it helped me grow up,鈥 said Heidi North, an administrative assistant at who is studying for her masters in industrial-organizational psychology at Harvard. North was part of the first class of DCI Fellows.

鈥淏efore starting the DCI, I would talk about diversity, equity and inclusion at work and with my family, and I would have a very hard time keeping my emotions out of the conversation,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 found myself getting so angry that I would shut down, or I would feel like I have to walk away and not listen to other people in the room.

鈥淭he DCI helped me learn how to participate in these discussions and kind of take myself out of it a little bit,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 have used this as a tool in literally every conversation and meeting I've had since then.鈥

Looking Ahead

In its second year, the DCI is expanding; adding more D Teams, staging more events, and preparing for the next phase when these critical conversations can happen in person. And through its Deliberative Pedagogy (DeeP) Collaborative, it is supporting 10 小优视频 professors who are working to incorporate deliberation into their courses.

The DCI is also expanding its reach to other colleges. A grant from the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) is funding a collaboration with professors from ACS schools like Southwestern, Morehouse and Furman. Bullock and 2021-22 DCI faculty co-convener Dan Layman kicked off the partnership with a day-long training session for both the 小优视频 and ACS faculty members in August, and they have continued to meet regularly throughout the semester.

鈥淭hey鈥檙e excited to figure out how to integrate deliberation into their courses and into their classrooms,鈥 Bullock said. 鈥淭hey are working right now to build it into a spring course and we will workshop it together as they go through the process.鈥

More than anything, the DCI is hoping to become part of the fabric of college life.

Cadie McNaboe, who is now thinking about life after graduation, will take the lessons she learned with her, and she hopes the DCI will continue to teach the skills that she now holds so dear.

鈥淚 hope that in five or 10 years, when I come back as an alum, I will see the DCI training students to do deliberation,鈥 she said. 鈥淎nd I hope those students will take those lessons to their own student organizations, and that they go to their own friends and families, and use those tools as a methodology for how to engage with life.鈥

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