Not Forgotten: A Student鈥檚 Journey to Help Free a Childhood Friend From Prison

Brandon Reid '22 and Sura Sohna

Brandon Reid '22 and Sura Sohna

Brandon Reid 鈥22 waited for the judge to break the silence in the Annapolis courtroom. His childhood friend鈥檚 life teetered between freedom and years behind bars. Anxiety gave way to elation when the judge ruled to release Sura Sohna 12 years early.

The decision spurred a flurry of media attention, including a story in The Washington Post and an appearance on the popular 鈥淓llen DeGeneres Show.鈥 The story begins more than a decade ago, in an elementary school classroom.

Reid (formerly Brandon Harris), a Belk Scholar and 小优视频 student government president, and Sohna were childhood friends but drifted apart after they went to different high schools. From there, their paths diverged鈥擱eid thrived academically, Sohna veered into criminal activity.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Reid was working his way toward college graduation. Sohna, meanwhile, languished in prison, serving a 14-year sentence for first-degree burglary.

Reid moved home to Annapolis in March 2020. After hearing about the pandemic鈥檚 effect on prison conditions and his childhood friend鈥檚 circumstances, he decided to check in with Sohna. He sent a letter, Sohna responded.

Their correspondence laid the foundation for 鈥淭elling Stories of the Ignored and Forgotten,鈥 Reid鈥檚 independent study project.

Brandon Reid 鈥22 and Sura Sohna on the couch at the 鈥淭he Ellen DeGeneres Show.鈥

Brandon Reid 鈥22 (left) and Sura Sohna shared their story on 鈥淭he Ellen DeGeneres Show.鈥

Digging Deeper

鈥淥riginally, I planned to research different stories and write an essay every two weeks,鈥 Reid says, 鈥渂ut I quickly realized that in order to do this well, I needed to dive deeper into a single story, instead.鈥

The semester-long project evolved into much more than a grade on Reid鈥檚 transcript. It shifted his thinking and his plans, from pre-med and philosophy at 小优视频 to philosophy and pre-law, and then to law school at Columbia University in the fall.

鈥淚 am amazed at the lack of understanding so many people have about people and their situations,鈥 he says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e so quick to judge a person based on one action or one decision. I believe everyone is a product of their own experiences, and we鈥檝e moved away from trying to understand where people are coming from. Sura has great potential in his life; he just needs people who believe in him.鈥

Reid worked alongside James K. Batten Professor of Public Policy and renowned journalist Ike Bailey 鈥95, whose own life draws many parallels to Reid鈥檚 experience. Bailey lent professional and personal expertise to the project.

鈥淚 was a Black man attending 小优视频 while a loved one was in prison, and I know the shame that can come with that experience,鈥 Bailey says. 鈥淭he similarities were too great. If I could help a student deal with this burden he is going through and guide him through this process of investigation and journalism, I knew I had to help.鈥

Bailey writes for publications across the country on topics ranging from crime and justice to politics and racism. His memoir, My Brother Moochie, offers Bailey鈥檚 heartfelt account of his family鈥檚 struggles in the aftermath of his brother鈥檚 murder conviction and subsequent life sentence.

鈥淚 know what it can mean for a person [in prison] to have someone outside those bars,鈥 he says.

鈥淚t can keep them sane, frankly. It can give them

a reason to try to get better in a place where it is really, really difficult to get better.鈥

Pandemic-related measures added to the difficulty of prison life, expanding restrictions and further limiting access to the outside world. Reid viewed himself as a bridge between Sohna and the world, and hopes Sohna鈥檚 story will open the minds of those who hear it.

鈥淭he whole thing is amazing,鈥 Sohna says. 鈥淚 had a rough time growing up, and I will never forget my trials, but everything is a learning experience. Now, I want to be a lifelong learner and lift others up as

I lift myself up. I know greatness is in me. Brandon and Dr. Bailey and this whole experience have helped me look at life differently.鈥

As part of his research, Reid sent personal letters to every one of Sohna鈥檚 12 victims. He interviewed the prosecutor. He reached out to police officers. He interviewed members of Sohna鈥檚 family. He connected with Maryland鈥檚 governor to get Sohna permission to be a part of the public presentation.

Sohna called Reid at least three times a week, and the calls motivated him to stay positive and focus on the future.

The project culminated in a live public Zoom presentation that hundreds watched.

Life-changing Decision

In December 2021, Sohna鈥檚 lawyer was granted a request to get Sohna鈥檚 sentence reevaluated. At the February hearing, Sohna made an impassioned speech and Reid took the stand on behalf of his friend. The same judge that sentenced Sohna in 2020 released him.

The story of Sohna鈥檚 release and Reid鈥檚 involvement quickly spread. In early March, Reid got a call from an 鈥淓llen鈥 producer. They flew to Los Angeles to film the episode but were sworn to secrecy until the episode aired April 6.

The show frequently supports its guests, and both Reid and Sohna left with something more than a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Brandon's Coalition for Success, a mentoring nonprofit Reid started in high school, received a check for $10,000. Sohna, who wants to study photography and film production, took home a computer, camera, tripod, bag and light meter.

As the attention subsides, Sohna is focused on each day and fulfilling a promise he made to himself 鈥攖o make himself and Reid proud. Reid says he鈥檒l be there for his friend along the way.

鈥淣o matter what, I鈥檓 going to be working with Sura to make sure he鈥檚 able to stay on the right path and accomplish whatever he wants to accomplish for himself,鈥 Reid says. 鈥淭his connection is lifelong.鈥

This article was originally published in the Spring/Summer 2022 print issue of the 小优视频 Journal Magazine; for more, please see the 小优视频 Journal section of our website.