By the People: Community Spring Creates Change Through Empowerment

Photo of man facing away wearing sweatshirt that reads "Housing is a Human Right"

Kevin Scott left prison with an extensive list of skills, but little chance of getting a job. When some friends hired him to work in their restaurant, Scott decided he would do everything he could to become the best employee they鈥檇 ever seen. Soon, he was promoted to management.

鈥淚 was so thankful to have a job and some stability, I stayed longer than I should have and stopped looking for opportunities that aligned with my passions,鈥 Scott says. 鈥淏ut outside of work, I was doing community activism around the treatment of prisoners and toxic prison environments. That was really what I cared about, but I wasn鈥檛 paid to do it.鈥

During one of his regular visits to the nearby public library, he ran into a contact from his community organizing work who told Scott about an organization called .

Community Spring would change Scott鈥檚 life, and the lives of many others.

New Approach

Lindsay Kallman 鈥10 and her life partner Max Tipping, who met on a study abroad program in Tanzania, worked in the social justice world in Washington, D.C.鈥擪allman using her public health background to focus on health disparities, and Tipping bringing his law degree to bear on housing and homelessness issues. Together they realized that the people so many nonprofit and government organizations purported to help did not have a say in how they were being helped.

So, they created what didn鈥檛 exist.

Community Spring opened in 2020 in Kallman鈥檚 hometown of Gainesville, Florida, just before the pandemic struck, with a mission to 鈥渄ismantle structural poverty and spur economic mobility at a grassroots level.鈥 A critical part of their model is to hire people who are experiencing the issues they will work to solve.

Despite the complications of the pandemic, they stayed the course, balancing the risks of COVID-19 with the important work of their organization.

鈥淪ometimes, in the nonprofit world, we overcomplicate poverty,鈥 Kallman says. 鈥淧overty is a function of income. If people have money, they can meet their basic needs. Poverty persists throughout neighborhoods and for generations because of power inequalities. So we pay people to cultivate power.鈥

They launched Community Spring in the South, which Kallman explains 鈥渢ends to be less invested in people, power and infrastructure,鈥 compared to Washington, D.C., where advocacy exists at every turn.

The pair understands that they have been able to do community organizing because they have privilege. They wanted to build tools that people experiencing poverty could use to make change鈥攁 鈥渇or the people, by the people鈥 approach.

They started with two programs. Fellows, hired from the community, self-identify as people impacted by poverty. They organize together for one year around an issue that has contributed to their lived experiences. And, they are paid for the work. The first class focused on the justice system, and the current class is working on housing. Following the fellowship, they have the skills, connections and, most importantly, the confidence, to move on to the next steps in their careers or education.

Scott is a member of the first class of fellows, which worked on multiple initiatives, including 鈥淏an the Box,鈥 which prevents employers from requiring job applicants to check whether they have been convicted of a felony until after they have been offered a position. The group鈥檚 work also led to the creation of Just Income GNV (Gainesville), a guaranteed income pilot program for people who have been released from prison in the last six months.

鈥淲e know guaranteed income brings people out of poverty in a material way and also in an emotional way,鈥 Kallman explained. 鈥淪tatistics show a person is twice as likely to get employment once they have guaranteed income, so they can pay for things like transportation to and from an interview or for childcare during the interview. Mental health diagnostics show this income is as effective as Prozac.鈥

Community Spring group photo

Community Spring, located in Lindsay Kallman鈥檚 hometown of Gainesville, Florida, takes a grassroots approach to dismantling structural poverty by empowering the people most affected by it.

Empowering Advocates

Scott, the convicted felon with marketable skills but no one to give him a shot, graduated as a member of Community Spring鈥檚 first class of fellows and is now the full-time director of Just Income.

鈥淐ommunity Spring helped turn what I felt was the absolute end of the world鈥攁nd I was positive it was鈥攊nto what I now see as just the beginning,鈥 he said. 鈥淢ax and Lindsay have changed my whole experience on the planet by saying what I thought mattered. I never felt steered or curated or like there was some agenda behind the curtain. They are 100% genuine, and it feels like straight-up empowerment.鈥

In his role, Scott does outreach, educates people about Just Income and helps people get back on their feet. He recently presented on a call with representatives from the White House. The program is about giving people an income for their first year out of prison, but it is really about so much more than money.

鈥淚n a world where re-entry is a buzzword, it鈥檚 really more like entry for the first time because many people come from a lifetime of struggles,鈥 he says. 鈥淚鈥檓 a white guy, very much born on third base because of that, and I barely made it, even with advantages. I slept in the parking lot of a homeless shelter and remember the first time someone other than my mother asked me if I was okay. Now, I actually work at that homeless shelter, and through that job and Community Spring, I鈥檓 the person asking someone else if they鈥檙e okay.鈥

Sydney Lee is in the current class of fellows working on housing security, and their campaigns target advocacy and educating the local community around housing. Every fellow has a personal connection to the issue, whether through an eviction, escaping unsafe housing or the inability to secure better than substandard housing. Lee helps lead the communications work of the team and creates content for webinars and events on the topic.

It鈥檚 meaningful work.

鈥淏efore the fellowship, I lacked a sense of direction,鈥 Lee said. 鈥淵ou can鈥檛 pour from an empty bucket, so to do this work as an impacted person and to have so much poured into me is life changing. Plus, I鈥檓 getting paid, which is huge. This opportunity helped me see what I鈥檓 capable of if I鈥檓 given resources and a foundation. Max and Lindsay always ask how they can help us, which is really different from the institutions I鈥檓 used to. I truly feel loved.鈥

Lee is inspired by Community Spring and says their model is groundbreaking for non-profit work.

鈥淚t鈥檚 nice to be given a chance to lead. All of the fellows are proof that when you provide people with resources and basic necessities, and give them the support they deserve, we really excel,鈥 she says. 鈥淭he fellows before me told me this would change my life, but the progress almost sneaks up on you. The way I talk about myself, the things I desire for myself, it鈥檚 so different.鈥

Solid Foundation

Kallman applied Early Decision to 小优视频. Her older sister, Annelle 鈥04, was a Wildcat, so she knew the college well and was certain that鈥檚 where she belonged, too.

鈥溞∮攀悠 values critical thinking and philosophical learning,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t is a well-rounded experience, as opposed to training. I sought courses that allowed me to think more deeply about complicated social issues, so when I think about how my 小优视频 experience informed my current work and life path, it鈥檚 that.鈥

Professors like Ken Menkhaus, through his course 鈥淧hilanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector,鈥 helped provide a foundation for Kallman鈥檚 future. A lot of what she learned at 小优视频 played into how Community Spring is structured, as well as what led her there.

鈥10, Kallman鈥檚 小优视频 classmate and best-selling author, serves on the Community Spring board of directors.

鈥淭hrough the combination of their respective professional experiences, Lindsay and Max have developed an incredibly nuanced, thoughtful, and empirically grounded understanding around the factors that perpetuate inequality across this country,鈥 Smith says. 鈥淭heir framework recognizes that myriad forces鈥攂oth interpersonal and structural鈥攈ave for so long prevented the most marginalized people from having access to the levers of upward mobility, and through Community Spring they have created a community-based, locally-led intervention to help people change the trajectory of their circumstances. Lindsay and Max do this work with so much compassion, empathy and kindness, it's impossible not to root for them.鈥

The organization is still new, and the team is looking at ways to take this model to other parts of the country. They haven鈥檛 decided whether they will expand the outreach themselves, or make this a model that can be adopted by other community advocates. For now, though, Kallman and the entire Community Spring team is effecting change in the Gainesville community one empowered individual at a time.

This article was originally published in the Spring/Summer 2022 print issue of the 小优视频 Journal Magazine; for more, please see the 小优视频 Journal section of our website.