Protests in Iran Inspire Student Action

Iranian musician Shahram Mazhari with students

The event featured a performance by Iranian musician Shahram Mazhari.

Campus Rally For Iran 鈥 Nov. 30 at 4 p.m.聽

Over 200 universities are holding a Campus Rally for Iran Wednesday, Nov. 30. Join 小优视频 students outside the Union at 4 p.m.

Ahead of today鈥檚 World Cup soccer match between Iran and the United States, Iranian state media called for the United States to be kicked out of the tournament in response to a social media post the U.S. Soccer Federation said was intended to show 鈥渟upport for the women in Iran fighting for basic human rights.鈥

The arrest and death in police custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini sparked a resistance movement in Iran that continues to rage in streets across the country. In over two months of protests, hundreds have been killed and thousands arrested.

To raise awareness of the situation in Iran, 小优视频鈥檚 Middle Eastern and North African Student Association (MENASA) hosted an on-campus event, titled 鈥淪tanding with Iran.鈥

The program included an address by Silvi Toska, a 小优视频 assistant professor of political science who focuses on social movements and revolution in the Middle East, and original works by Iranian musician Shahram Mazhari, who is also a professor of electronic media at York Technical College.

Women鈥檚 Rights Are Human Rights

Amini was detained for allegedly violating the Islamic Republic's strict dress code by incorrectly wearing her hijab. Following Amini鈥檚 death, protests escalated into calls for the overthrow of Iran鈥檚 theocracy.

Mazhari, who shared a repertoire of traditional Persian music during the program, also organized an October march in Charlotte, North Carolina, in support of freedom for people in Iran and Iranian women鈥檚 rights.

For more than nine weeks, the Iranian Americans in Charlotte have been gathering to display their solidarity with the people of Iran who are fighting for democracy and equal rights,鈥 Mazhari said. 鈥淭he Iranians of Charlotte will continue to be the local voices of the revolution that is taking place in Iran.鈥

Another gathering is planned for 2 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 4, at Romare Bearden Park in Uptown Charlotte. 

MENASA is a student-run organization that focuses on addressing political and current event topics relating to all areas of the Middle East and north Africa.


  • November 29, 2022