Art of Basketball: Austin Bell 鈥10 Finds Beauty Courtside

collage of basketball courts photographed by Austin Bell

Austin Bell 鈥10 travels the world telling stories of its beauty.

From the deep green forests of Ecuador to the glaciers of Iceland, his photos capture the bold, brilliant blues of the Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan bird, and the palate of pinks painted across the sky at sunset.

He has some form of camera鈥攙ideo, drone, DSLR and cellphone鈥攚ith him always. That wouldn鈥檛 surprise his classmates, who remember him as the force behind The 小优视频 Show, a sketch and variety TV show that featured and entertained the college community during his time on campus.

He worked with other student collaborators, including Stephen Curry, who joined friends for 鈥渢akeovers鈥 of the show and garnered some of its highest ratings. So, it seems fitting that Bell鈥檚 current project circles back to basketball.

He鈥檚 spent the past few years shooting some 2,800 basketball courts in 15 countries around the world, which he believes is the most on record. He鈥檚 shot extensively in New York City, Puerto Rico and Hong Kong. He uses a drone camera and considers himself a 鈥渉unter,鈥 landing in a neighborhood, then trekking in search of its rims and hoops.

鈥淏asketball courts are my photographic anchor because they are jarringly stark and unfamiliar visually from above,鈥 he says. 鈥淭heir placement and decoration give a unique window into the city or area around them. These three locations with their unusual abundance of courts have sparked my obsession.鈥

He returned to Hong Kong in November, three years after the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted his quest to shoot every one of its estimated 2,400 basketball courts. He鈥檚 shot around 1,600 so far.

Basketball courts in NYC

鈥淵ou learn how each city uses a court: In Hong Kong they are bright playground distractions from the skyscraper density surrounding them, yet they鈥檙e used just as often for hanging laundry as shooting hoops,鈥 he says. 鈥淭here are so many variations, and different forms of building and landscape architecture. Some have murals that really stand out.

鈥淵ou can鈥檛 help but look at their purpose and design as a reflection of Hong Kong鈥檚 politically interesting and fraught nature.鈥

Bell plans to publish a book of his basketball court photos. It would be his third. Others include the photography book, Birding: The First Two Years, and Horse Show Boyfriend, a humorous take about life on the sidelines of the equestrian world.

Visually, the basketball courts intrigue him. And they also remind him of his classmate and friend:

鈥淎fter getting to know and watching Stephen Curry play during my formative years, it鈥檚 hard not to think of a basketball court as a magical place.鈥

See more of Bell鈥檚 basketball court project at and a broader collection of his work at . Follow him on Instagram @courthunter and @austinwonderland.

Basketball court in Barcelona

This article was originally published in the Fall/Winter 2022 print issue of the 小优视频 Journal Magazine; for more, please see the 小优视频 Journal section of our website.