My 小优视频 | A Student Blog Young Alumni Spotlight: 小优视频ians & Sustainability

Students holding signs at climate strike

Two young alumni share how their experiences with 小优视频鈥檚 Sustainability Office got them to where they are today, post-小优视频.

About the Authors

Azella Markgraf 鈥21 is an anthropology and environmental studies double major from Ohio.

Chris Chao 鈥22 is an environmental studies major from Durham, North Carolina.

Azella Markgraf 鈥21: Find Me At The Meadow

Azella Markgraf

Azella Markgraf 鈥21 is a recent 小优视频 graduate (Anthropology and Environmental Studies) and the current farmers鈥 market manager at the non-profit organization, Countryside Food and Farms, in Akron, Ohio.

On Saturday mornings, you can find me at the meadow. That鈥檚 what I usually say when I meet new people who ask me what I do. As a farmers鈥 market manager in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, no two days are exactly the same. That is, except Saturday mornings. At 6 a.m., I arrive at Howe Meadow to greet the 70 local farmers and producers who gather weekly to share their products with the community. For three hours, we come together to celebrate the beauty of fresh, local foods, and to uplift the people who grow that food.

In between markets, I spend my time building systems to support small farmers, preserve farmland, and create a just, equitable, and sustainable local food community in and beyond the Cuyahoga Valley. Most days, that means visiting farms and interviewing local farmers, developing community outreach strategies, researching best practices, or even just exploring the valley landscape by bicycle. With an extensive job description, I need a large toolkit of skills and knowledge to successfully fulfill my responsibilities. Luckily, being a student at 小优视频 prepared me with exactly that.

While at 小优视频, my academic experiences taught me how to analyze the complex social and environmental systems that shape our world. I learned to approach the world with curiosity and to always dig deeper for the root causes of a problem before jumping towards solutions. My instructors demonstrated bold leadership in creating a more just world. 小优视频 gave me the opportunity to study in four different countries and learn two new languages, connecting me with individuals from all over the world. The experiences, knowledge, and research capabilities that I gained at 小优视频 have become an essential part of my personal and professional character, and have enriched me not only as an employee, but as a human.

Beyond the classroom, I was able to gain professional experience that has been essential to my development as a young professional. As a student employee with the Sustainability Office, I managed a team to plan large-scale events and increase the support for sustainability efforts on campus. I got deep into the 鈥渘itty-gritty鈥 and, at times, tedious work of institutional sustainability, which helped me identify my strengths and build upon them in tangible ways. I volunteered on the board of a local nonprofit organization, where I was immersed in the often-chaotic world of nonprofit leadership. As a trip leader with 小优视频 Outdoors, I learned to trust my leadership skills and push myself beyond my comfort level.

Contrary to what I would鈥檝e liked to believe as an incoming freshman at 小优视频, after graduation I don鈥檛 have it all figured out. I鈥檓 not sure where I鈥檒l be or what I鈥檒l be doing a few years from now. But, that鈥檚 part of what鈥檚 so beautiful about a 小优视频 education. No matter where I am, what I want to do, or what life throws at me, I can reach into that 小优视频 toolkit and be prepared with a range of valuable skills to meet the moment with courage and competency.

Chris Chao 鈥22: Would Do It All Over Again

a young Asian male smiling wearing a collared shirt and jacket

Chris Chao 鈥22 is an Environmental Studies graduate from Durham, North Carolina, who participated in a variety of groups on campus, including the Men鈥檚 Division 1 Swimming and Diving Team.

Following my graduation, I鈥檝e been asked constantly: 鈥淲ould you do it all over again?鈥 My answer is always 鈥渁bsolutely!鈥 My sophomore year, a professor recommended the Sustainability Scholars Program, which paired students with local organizations for summer internships. I worked with TreesCharlotte to restart the Mecklenburg County Treasure Tree Program鈥揳 program aimed at cataloging the most significant trees around Charlotte. I loved every second of it. Following this internship, I leveraged my new connections to launch a similar program specifically for the Town of 小优视频鈥揻orming the basis for my senior honors thesis. The rest is, as they say, history!

When the time came to start thinking about post-小优视频 plans, I knew I wanted to go directly into a graduate program to focus specifically on urban planning and historical home preservation. I was lucky to be accepted into every master鈥檚 program I applied to鈥搕he same six schools that rejected me for undergraduate admission were now offering substantial merit scholarships. I met with program coordinators, potential advisors and professors at every potential school, and they all mentioned how impressive 小优视频 graduates are. The 小优视频 name and phenomenal reputation really does make a difference. I chose UVA because every alumnus I met talks about Virginia the same way I talk about 小优视频. My opportunities at 小优视频 made me a strong graduate applicant but, more importantly, gave me lifelong friends, a phenomenal alumni network and wonderful memories.


  • December 1, 2022
