Class of 2023 Brings Hope to a World That Needs Them

Graduation caps in air during ceremony

Their first year upended by a global pandemic, they finished their college days in the normalcy of tradition.

On Sunday, 小优视频 bid farewell to the Class of 2023, who have weathered pandemic restrictions, economic uncertainty and the rise of TikTok. They also made lifetime friends and countless memories.

The warm and dry spring morning allowed the 502 graduates, their loved ones, professors and college community to gather on the front lawn of Chambers to celebrate the successful conclusion to their time at 小优视频.

Onlookers could barely contain their excitement as the graduates processed down the steps of Chambers toward the stage鈥攐n multiple occasions, proud parents jumped into the procession for one last pre-ceremony hug or a quick selfie.

Lawn of chairs and people seated in them outdoors under a canopy of trees
Student smiles and waves while wearing graduation regalia
Group of students in caps and gowns huddled up and smiling
President Hicks addresses the crowd at graduation

It was the college鈥檚 186th commencement, and the town of 小优视频, recognizing how the graduates overcame tumultuous pandemic times and went on to thrive, issued a proclamation declaring May 14 as Class of 2023 Day.

鈥淵ou are the only class that had a so-called normal start of college before COVID, suffered the debilitating conditions of the pandemic and then emerged to create and recreate community among yourselves and everyone gathered here,鈥 小优视频 President Doug Hicks 鈥90 told graduates.

On Sunday, 小优视频 celebrated its 186th commencement and bid farewell to the Class of 2023.

Making a Better 小优视频鈥攁nd World

The graduates represent 20 countries, 39 American states and Washington, D.C. They鈥檙e off to serve the world in a variety of fields. Their most popular majors were biology (80), political science (68), economics (67), computer science (53) and psychology (53).

Fourteen graduated with the highest Latin honors of summa cum laude; 201 magna cum laude, and 132 cum laude.

The class includes eight John M. Belk Scholars, bringing the Belk alumni total to 156. The Belk Scholarship recognizes students for leadership, creativity, compassion, integrity, intellectual curiosity and outstanding academic achievement. The award, which covers tuition, fees, room, board and two $3,000 stipends for special study abroad, is one of the country鈥檚 most competitive and generous undergraduate scholarships.

Hicks took a moment to remember two Class of 2023 classmates who died in the past two years.

鈥淥n this day of rejoicing, we are also mindful of two members of this class who are no longer with us鈥擠el Barnhill and Collin McGuirt,鈥 Hicks said. 鈥淲e hold the families of Del and Collin close to us today.鈥

Collectively, the Class of 2023 worked to help refugees, low-income students and local families in need. They鈥檝e broken athletic records and researched pressing problems ranging from Alzheimer鈥檚 disease to educational inequities to the pandemic鈥檚 effect on mental health.

They enter the wider world seeking solutions to climate change, cures for illness and increased opportunities for the less fortunate. Some will head straight to the work force; others will start graduate programs and begin fellowships in the United States and around the world.

This is a milestone moment when it鈥檚 very fitting to talk about hope. Not because the world that earlier generations are leaving you is in great shape; on the contrary, there are plenty of public problems that easily lead to despair. But hope is a better way; let us understand hope as seeing the world exactly as it is, and yet envisioning鈥攁nd working for鈥攁 better reality.

President Doug Hicks '90

Hicks said their resilience, quest for fairness and justice鈥攁nd sense of humor鈥攈as made 小优视频 better.

鈥淛ust as 小优视频 will always be part of you, you will always be a part of 小优视频,鈥 Hicks said. 鈥淚nstead of saying congratulations, I prefer to say thank you for the hope that you instill in all of us.鈥

Teaching & Service Awards

The college also handed out awards to professors and community members. They include:

Hunter-Hamilton Love of Teaching Award

Students nominate professors for the annual award. The professors will each receive $7,500, and each gets to direct an additional $7,500 to fund a campus project of their choice. This year鈥檚 recipients are:

Burkhard Henke, Chair and Professor of German Studies

鈥淔or your encouragement of students and kindness to them, your dedication to their seeing the world through a lens of cultural immersion, and your commitment to their wellbeing.鈥

Sharon Green, Professor of Theatre

鈥淔or your unwavering faith in the abilities of each student, your compassion for your students, your passion for the arts, and the sense of social justice you nurture in your students.鈥

Algernon Sydney Sullivan Awards

The awards go to one graduating student and one member of the larger 小优视频 Community who exemplify 鈥渢he fine spiritual qualities practically applied to daily living, usually going to persons who have given unselfish service without due recognition.鈥 

Student Award: Isabelle Lorah '23

From volunteering as an English tutor for Spanish speakers, to researching and advocating for sustainable environmental solutions, to serving as a senior class gift co-chair, 鈥淚sabelle exemplifies qualities of leadership and service.鈥

鈥淚sabelle assists her peer students in their work without hesitation, handles difficult conversations with empathy and kindness, and finds joy in helping others, whether that鈥檚 her fellow team members or concerned alums seeking answers or resources.鈥

鈥淚sabelle is innovative, dynamic and passionate about the work she does; her service is vast and far-reaching.鈥

Community Member Award: Motria Procyk and Russian Studies Professor Amanda Ewington (Shared)

鈥淔or their tireless work on behalf of the people of Ukraine since the invasion by Russia.鈥

The two teamed up to form 小优视频 4 Ukraine, an organization comprised of students, faculty, staff and the local community. They held information sessions and fundraisers, and helped Ukrainian families with food, clothing, housing, transportation, and jobs. Their weekly Saturday coffee gatherings offered traumatized refugees a time to socialize with each other and their new American friends. 

鈥淭he weight of the refugees鈥 suffering is hard to imagine, yet Motria and Amanda have not flagged in their efforts, even as the war in Ukraine has dragged on for over a year. Their fundraising, consciousness-raising, and direct assistance have enabled our Ukrainian neighbors to build a community in the most unlikely place and to feel the empathy and support of people for whom Ukraine was distant and unknown barely a year ago. Their work really does embody 鈥榩utting service of others before self-interest.鈥欌

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