Beloved Mentor鈥檚 Legacy Honored Through New Name for Freedom Schools

The Reverend Brenda Tapia head of the 小优视频 Love of Learning program

The Reverend Brenda Tapia changed the lives of countless youth who came to know her through the Love of Learning program as a mentor and mother figure. Now, the 小优视频 Freedom Schools program will bear her name.

The Reverend Brenda Tapia knew exactly who she was. She was a child of God. She was an educator. She was a candid and unapologetic mentor.

She was also a beloved mother figure who, through the 小优视频 Love of Learning program, shaped young people鈥檚 understanding of themselves and showed them how they could become agents of change. She taught her students鈥擝lack teens who were selected through an application process to come to 小优视频 during the summer鈥攁bout who they were and whose they were.

鈥淔inally, I wasn鈥檛 alone,鈥 said Thea Princewill 鈥93 (nee Nethea Rhinehardt), a member of the Love of Learning pilot class in the summer of 1987. 鈥淭here were very few Black students in accelerated classes at my school. I felt like a misfit, like I didn鈥檛 belong. Love of Learning鈥擝renda鈥攃reated a family. She built us up academically, but she also built us up emotionally and psychologically. She gave me the tools to be authentic as a Black person in a largely white-centric world. She changed my life.鈥

Today, 小优视频, in partnership with the Brenda H. Tapia Family Foundation, and in memory of a lifelong educator and leader, announces the naming of The Brenda Tapia CDF (Children鈥檚 Defense Fund) Freedom Schools庐, housed at the Ada Jenkins Center.

Boris (Bo) Henderson 鈥01 reading at the Freedom School

Boris (Bo) Henderson 鈥01 served as the Freedom Schools Harambee Reader last week, something he does every year.

鈥淭he work of the Brenda H. Tapia Foundation carries on so many parts of Brenda鈥檚 legacy, just as this new partnership does,鈥 said Boris (Bo) Henderson 鈥01, the foundation鈥檚 board chair and a former Love of Learning counselor-mentor. 鈥淪he spent her whole life fighting for justice, equality and education and working to find 鈥榙iamonds in the rough,鈥 as she would say, who had the potential to change the world. The connection to Freedom Schools speaks to her commitment to education, and 小优视频 is where she perfected and grew her ministry. Inspired by her Love of Learning work, we also intend to look for opportunities to 鈥榓dd a little Brenda鈥 to the existing program.鈥

An anonymous donor has made a generous gift to create an enrichment fund in support of The Brenda Tapia CDF Freedom Schools庐. Former students, alums, loved ones and all members of the 小优视频 community are encouraged to add their support by  or a .

Brenda embodied compassion, love of learning and just plain love. Through transforming attitudes, transforming lives and bringing people together, she was a unique person whose reach and love transcended boundaries, cultures, race and religion. She gave words and emotions meaning that changed lives and engendered purpose in children and adults from all backgrounds. We hope this commitment will perpetuate her gifts and continue her legacy in a small way.

Anonymous Donor

Rooted in the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project of 1964, the CDF Freedom Schools program is a literacy and cultural enrichment program designed to serve children and youth in grades K鈥12 in communities where quality academic enrichment programming is limited, too expensive or nonexistent. 

The six-week summer program in 小优视频 was started in 2005 by the college. The program enrolls 50 youth each year, and six 小优视频 students support the program as servant leader interns. Participant outcomes show the program consistently supports learning gains, compared to the all-too-common learning loss that can occur during the summer.

鈥淩ev. Brenda Tapia's unwavering dedication to education, justice and love lives on through The Brenda Tapia CDF Freedom Schools庐, a partnership in which 小优视频 gratefully and proudly joins,鈥 said President Doug Hicks 鈥90. 鈥淭oday, we honor and extend her legacy of transforming lives and fostering a lifelong love of learning.

Learning Through Love

Daniel Heath is an associate chaplain for 小优视频. He also was a member of the Theta Class of Love of Learning at 14 years old, part of the reason he viewed his 2022 appointment at the college as a homecoming.

鈥淓ach of our classes was named, and then after we graduated from the program, we were given an African name,鈥 he said. 鈥淣aming was a big part of the program because it was about community and belonging. We took pride in it. Brenda鈥檚 name going on this Freedom Schools program has greater meaning because of the value she placed on naming.鈥 

Each morning, Tapia would lead program participants through a time of devotion, giving honor to God and ancestors鈥擬alcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks鈥攚ho were Black leaders and thinkers and philosophers. She reminded students that they stood on the shoulders of others.

Heath remembers Tapia sharing her ultimate goal: for Black students to earn terminal degrees, something he will achieve next year, adding to the advanced degrees he currently holds in theology, law and music education. 

鈥淢aximizing students鈥 potential鈥攖hat鈥檚 what she was all about,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hanks to the program, I was able to see myself in college before I even applied to college, walking through Chambers Building, staying in Richardson Hall. What a gift.鈥

Princewill came to the program unsure of herself and her place in the world. She felt Blackness was something to overcome, something to feel shame about. Tapia told her that鈥檚 not how it works, giving her the confidence to navigate whatever鈥檚 thrown her way.

鈥淏renda was fearless. She was a Black, dark-skinned, commanding woman, and she was like, 鈥業 got this,鈥 and would make magic anyway,鈥 Princewill said. 鈥淵es, we did SAT prep, math clinics and all the academic pieces; more than that, she was insistent that we love ourselves, love to learn and keep our curiosity open for the rest of our lives.鈥

Full Circle for Family

God was at the center of Tapia鈥檚 life. Her younger sister, Beverly Bailey, remembers hearing about Tapia鈥檚 early years before Bailey was born. Tapia and her parents moved in with her grandparents for a time, before they moved into the house next door.

鈥淏renda told me how our grandfather, Logan E. Houston, would wake up each day, and before he said a word to anybody, he would walk from the bedroom to the dining room and get down to kneel and pray,鈥 Bailey said. 鈥淥ur family is rooted in having a relationship with God.鈥 

Education mattered, too. Houston never finished elementary school, so during meals, as his children went through school, he required them to share everything they learned. This commitment to learning eventually led him to become part of the start-up efforts to create the Ada Jenkins Center鈥攖he very center that now houses a program bearing his granddaughter鈥檚 name.

The family connections don鈥檛 end there. Ruby Houston, Tapia鈥檚 cousin and long-time family and community engagement leader for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, was at the table when the idea to bring Freedom Schools to 小优视频 was first born. She was a champion for the program because she understood the need as well as the benefits of supplemental educational opportunities. 

鈥淏efore I knew it, we were serving 100 children,鈥 she said. 鈥淐hildren in our community were missing out on things children in Charlotte had access to. Not everyone can join the YMCA. Not everyone can participate in recreational programs. There鈥檚 a dollar sign attached to those things. But even more than access, it鈥檚 the education piece. Freedom Schools gives these children opportunities to learn, go on field trips, get a healthy breakfast and lunch.鈥 

One of Houston鈥檚 cousins participated in Freedom Schools, and there was an immediate impact on her grades and her curiosity. 

鈥淗er mother would call me every semester to tell me she was making As and Bs,鈥 she said. 鈥淭he proof is in the pudding. I wish we could serve even more kids.鈥

For Tapia鈥檚 family, seeing her name attached to the program is well-deserved and a fitting way to remember her. 

鈥淚t was always in her head and in her heart to help people.鈥 Houston said. 鈥淪he earned this because of her efforts to support young people academically. She did it through Love of Learning, and we continue it through Freedom Schools.鈥

鈥淭here was nobody else like her,鈥 Bailey said. 鈥淪he would neglect herself in order to help someone else. She had a heart of gold.鈥

A Forever Legacy

Henderson remembers when he first 鈥渕et鈥 Brenda Tapia. She was on the radio during his senior year of high school, and the shy kid was immediately drawn to her voice and presence over the air waves. 

鈥淚 was planning to come to 小优视频 for college, but I wasn鈥檛 even on campus yet when I started calling her,鈥 said the Charlotte native. 鈥淥nce I arrived on campus, I鈥檇 show up at her office every day after football camp. I was relentless. Eventually, she figured she should just give in and make me her second family.鈥 

Henderson became a counselor-mentor for the Love of Learning program, and their relationship continued to grow. From that moment until her final days, and even today, Tapia has been hard at work in Henderson鈥檚 life. What quickly became a mother-son relationship has guided him through every aspect of family life, work life and religious life. She even selected Henderson as her power of attorney and sent him an email to let him know of her decision. He admits he isn鈥檛 always the most organized person, and he overlooked the important message in his inbox.

鈥淚 was visiting Brenda during her final days, and a doctor came into the room and asked me who the power of attorney was,鈥 Henderson recalled. 鈥淚 started searching through my email and found a message from two years before that I had no memory of ever getting. In it, she told me she considered me her son and she was giving me the papers to prove it.鈥 

After he found the email, Henderson and a few friends went out to dinner and talked about the responsibility they had to carry on Brenda鈥檚 legacy. That鈥檚 the day they decided to create the foundation, and started talking about the mission and vision that would best carry on her work and the things she cared about most.

Henderson starts each day reading from the same books Tapia read from, including Acts of Faith by Iyanla Vanzant. In May, he, like Heath, will graduate from seminary as a doctor of ministry, a program he felt led to enter after Tapia鈥檚 death. 

鈥淏renda always said Bo reminded her of our grandfather,鈥 Bailey said. 鈥淗e has a humanitarian spirit, and he loves to serve the community.鈥 

Tapia鈥檚 influence stays with all her 鈥渃hildren,鈥 which is how she viewed every student and counselor-mentor who crossed her path. She taught lessons that lasted a lifetime.

鈥淏renda was ahead of the curve,鈥 Princewill said. 鈥淪he was a visionary. She taught us that Blackness was not something to overcome. That we didn鈥檛 have to play small or deny our identity in order to exist and thrive and be ourselves. There was an awakening after George Floyd鈥檚 murder in 2020, and people started talking about parts of history that had been hidden and not taught in schools鈥擩uneteenth, Black Wall Street. Brenda taught us about all those things back in the 1980s. I thought, 鈥榦k, everyone鈥檚 finally catching up.鈥欌

Jowette Bobray, assistant director in the 小优视频 Center for Civic Engagement, is the program director of Freedom Schools in 小优视频. 

鈥淭he Brenda H. Tapia CDF Freedom Schools represents Tapia鈥檚 ethos, her reason for being,鈥 said Bobray. 鈥淪he wanted children to love to learn and to exist in the world confident in who they were, who they could become and what they brought to those around them.鈥 

鈥淓ach one, teach one,鈥 Princewill said. 鈥淭hat was Brenda鈥檚 thing. She was a treasure. She was my family.鈥

An anonymous donor has made a generous gift to create an enrichment fund in support of The Brenda Tapia CDF Freedom Schools庐. Former students, alums, loved ones and all members of the 小优视频 community are encouraged to add their support by  or a .