Building Community Through Art and Service: Meet the 2024 Spencer-Weinstein Award Winners

The lobby of the Visual Arts Center

小优视频 recently recognized one student and one staff member with the Spencer-Weinstein Prize for Community and Justice, honoring their respective legacies of commitment to the 小优视频 community through art and service.

The annual award was created by close friends of 小优视频, Carole and Marcus Weinstein.

The 2023-2024 recipients are Bonner Scholar Mav Smith 鈥26 for her community leadership and dialogue-inspiring spoken word poetry, and Director and Curator of the Van Every/Smith Galleries Lia Newman for her pursuit of a more just community and world through collaboration and art. 

Mav Smith 鈥26

Mav Smith 鈥26

Lia Newman

Lia Newman, Director and Curator of the

Mav Smith 鈥26

When Mav Smith thinks about the people who have guided her most over the years, she thinks of teachers.

鈥淭he school system really put its arms around me,鈥 she said. 鈥淭eachers were always a bridge between me and the professional world 鈥 they showed me how to advocate for myself beyond the classroom.鈥

After learning about 小优视频 through the Posse Scholars Program, she knew she wanted to be somewhere she could explore multiple disciplines and build connections with mentors across campus. 

This summer will mark Smith鈥檚 second year working as a servant leader with the Brenda H. Tapia Children鈥檚 Defense Fund Freedom Schools Program, where she mentors and teaches grade school students and new interns alike. The six-week summer program supports the long-term success of youth through the literacy-rich and culturally-rich curriculum. For Smith, it鈥檚 a rewarding way to build trust and community outside of 小优视频. 

鈥淵ou see these young people come in solemn and quiet, and by week six, they鈥檙e confident enough to speak into a microphone,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 an amazing group of young scholars.鈥

A Patricia Cornwell Scholar double majoring in English and Africana Studies, Smith came to 小优视频 with a proclivity for written word and performance. She participated in theatre growing up and often wrote lyrics to her own hip-hop songs, experiences that have helped her develop as a spoken word artist. 

While going through a difficult time as a middle school student, one of Smith鈥檚 teachers gave her a journal and encouraged her to channel her anger and pain into writing. She filled every page. Now, through writing and performing poetry, she鈥檚 learning to share that vulnerability with others. 

鈥淎 lot of people don鈥檛 realize how much writing can be a ministry,鈥 Smith said. 鈥淐reative inspiration coming from pain always affects people. It creates connection, empathy and understanding. It鈥檚 beautiful but scary, and I鈥檓 learning to put that part of myself out there.鈥

In the fall, she worked with Campus Pride to develop a series of spoken word videos for National Coming Out Day and, last year, she performed a piece at the college鈥檚  annual Celebration of Service. More recently, she performed original spoken word pieces at the Town of 小优视频鈥檚 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration and at the Smithville Community Coalition鈥檚 Black History Month Celebration in Cornelius. 

Smith performs "Who I Am" Spoken Word for National Coming Out Day

Every audience reacts differently to poetry, and Smith aims to understand the community she鈥檚 speaking to without compromising her vulnerability.

鈥淭here are some things people won鈥檛 fully get unless they鈥檝e lived it,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t can be hard to convey personal information to different audiences. You can never truly understand another person, but it鈥檚 important to write authentically.鈥

Lia Newman

In her work on 小优视频鈥檚 Special Committee on Commemoration and through her partnerships with artists in the 小优视频 community and beyond, Newman has learned the best relationships take time to build. 

Through art, she encourages the campus community to confront difficult topics like poverty, war, immigration and Indigenous rights. A recent example is the exhibition Spaces of Comfort, the result of a two-years-long residency with internationally acclaimed artist Endia Beal.

鈥淚 wanted to bring in an artist with the goal that they would spend time with students and get to know our community before commissioning a piece,鈥 Newman said. 鈥淚 trusted Endia to find what needed to be discussed on campus.鈥

The more time Beal spent meeting with students, the more she understood how they interacted with one another, where they felt comfortable on campus and where they felt isolated. In the end, the exhibition focused on eight pairs of students who didn鈥檛 know each other. Beal then photographed each student in their paired partner鈥檚 space of comfort. 

Two students in each others' spaces of comfort. One male student stands in an art gallery and a female student is seated on a piano bench.

Spaces of Comfort by Endia Beal

Now installed across campus, the photographs depict the differences and commonalities between students from different worlds. 

鈥淓ndia would not have been able to make this work without students who were willing to engage and be vulnerable about their concerns on campus,鈥 Newman said. 鈥溞∮攀悠 students are open to these conversations because they are invested in creating a more just world.鈥

As an adjunct assistant professor this semester, Newman teaches a course on purchasing art for 小优视频鈥檚 galleries, which immerses students in the world of art curation and collection. The class recently took a trip to New York City to purchase two works for the college鈥檚 permanent collection. 

For the past four years, outside of her galleries and faculty responsibilities, Newman has played a large role in bringing a commemorative site to campus, dedicated to the enslaved and exploited laborers who helped build the college. Last year, the committee announced plans for artist Hank Willis Thomas, in collaboration with global architecture firm Perkins&Will, to create the memorial site and sculpture, With These Hands.

鈥淚鈥檝e been really proud of the way 小优视频 has approached this project with time and care,鈥 Newman said. 鈥淲e spent two years just studying how memorial sites function and how different audiences engage with them. The best memorials are ones where people can learn something while also having an emotional and empathetic reaction.鈥

Looking toward future artistic collaborations, Newman is especially excited to continue building relationships with partners on campus and beyond. The collaboration, D煤ta Bahiisere Kus R谩鈥檋ere (We Know Corn Together), began in 2021 with the outdoor installation Unshadowed LandFrom Indigenous artist Nicholas Galanin, the piece depicts the shape of the Andrew Jackson monument on Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. The following spring, 小优视频 volunteers partnered with members of the Catawba Nation to plant native corn inside the monument鈥檚 shadow. 

鈥淲e鈥檝e had so many great experiences and conversations around hard topics through art,鈥 Newman said. 鈥淚 love getting to support someone else鈥檚 artistic voice and bringing others together around it. I want our work to be grounded in building lasting relationships.鈥