Department Contacts

  • Chair

  • Chris Paradise

    Chair of Environmental Studies
  • Departmental Coordinator

  • Cathy Derby

    Departmental Coordinator for Environmental Studies

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LeeAnna Chapman

  • Assistant Professor of the Practice in Environmental Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Geoscience Education
  • Geology
  • Climate Science


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Pronouns: she/her/hers

LeeAnna Chapman

Jennifer Garcia Peacock

  • James B. Duke Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
Jennifer Garcia Peacock Headshot

Brad Johnson

  • Associate Professor of Environmental Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Geomorphology and Soil Development
  • Human Impacts on Landscapes
  • Landslides
Brad Johnson

Fuji Lozada

  • Senior Associate Dean of the Faculty | Professor of Anthropology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • China/East Asia
  • Food Studies
  • Science and Technology Studies
Fuji Lozada

Risper Nyairo

  • Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Ecological Niche Modeling
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
Risper Nyairo

Chris Paradise

  • Chair of Environmental Studies, Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Community Ecology
  • Insect Biology
  • Effects of Urbanization on Insects
Chris Paradise Headshot

Kevin Smith

  • Chair & Professor of Biology

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Conservation Biology
  • Biodiversity
  • Ecology
Kevin Smith Headshot

Willa Swenson-Lengyel

  • Holmes Rolston III Chair in Religion and Science | Assistant Professor of Religious Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Religion and the Environment
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Religious Ethics


Chambers 2011

Pronouns: she/her

Willa Swenson-Lengyel

Jessica Worl

  • Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Science, Technology, and Society Studies
  • Political Ecology
  • Informal Economies and Labor with a focus on the extractive industries


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Pronouns: she/her/hers

a young woman with black hair wearing a brown sweatshirt and smiling

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Cathy Derby

  • Departmental Coordinator


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Pronouns: She/Her

Cathy Derby

Jessica Spillman

  • Laboratory Manager

Primary Areas of Expertise

  • Water Quality


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Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Headshot of Jessica Spillman

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