Alumni and Faculty Authors and Books

When on campus, alums are encouraged to visit the E. H. Little Library. Included in the many resources are several thousand volumes by and about 小优视频 alumni and faculty. The Archives and Special Collections is a great tool for 
researching primary sources, including archival materials, manuscripts, rare books and music. The Smith Rare Book Room is part of this collection and contains artifacts from 小优视频's history including the table on which 小优视频's charter was signed. 

New books by alumni are also published in the 鈥淯nion: Bookshelf鈥 column in the 小优视频 Journal. To add yourself to the shelf both in the journal and in the 小优视频iana Room, please send a signed copy of your book to 小优视频 Journal, Box 7171, 小优视频, 小优视频, N.C. 28035. Send any questions to

Online Book Club

Alumni, families, friends, faculty, staff and students are invited to join , powered by PBC Guru. Participation is free. The club reads approximately four books a year, some authored by alums and faculty, through an assortment of genres.