Meet the 小优视频 Student Engagement Ambassadors

Photo Biography
Luka C

Luka Chikladze

Hello! My name is Luka and I鈥檓 a first year student at 小优视频 from the Republic of Georgia and Ukraine. I鈥檓 an intended Political Science and French & Francophone studies double major, planning to pursue my career in international relations or law. In 小优视频, I鈥檓 an events chair for Amnesty International and a member of several language clubs. I like to spend my free time with friends, reading or outdoors! I have already met a number of inspiring 小优视频 alumni as a Student Engagement Ambassador, and I鈥檓 looking forward to connecting with more wildcats!

Arshi H

Arshi Husain

Hi! My name is Arshiya and I鈥檓 a sophomore at 小优视频 from Islamabad, Pakistan. I鈥檓 an intended Economics and Philosophy double major, looking to pursue a career in business/finance. On campus, I鈥檓 a Chidsey Leadership Fellow, the Co-President for the Pan-Asian Student Association, the Features Editor for The 小优视频ian, and am a part of Rusk Eating House. I spend my free time weightlifting, grabbing iced lattes from Summit with my friends, and taking walks around campus! I鈥檓 so excited to connect with alums and hear stories about 小优视频 from those who've experienced it before me!

Erika Nagahashi

Erika Nagahashi

Hi! I am a senior double majoring in economics and political science. I am originally from Tokyo, Japan, and I have loved my time at 小优视频 so far! On campus, I am a member of Connor Eating House, Club Volleyball, and Japanese Student Association. On campus, I love walking on the cross-country trails, and my favorite off-campus restaurant is Pickled Peach! I am very excited to be working as a Student Engagement Ambassador and look forward to connecting with alums. Go 鈥楥ats!

Kate Teagarden

Kate Teagarden

Hi! I am a sophomore from Houston, Texas. I am pursuing a major in classical studies and a minor in music. On campus, I am involved in 小优视频 Chorale, Chamber Music, Connor Eating House, and the Pre-Law Society. My favorite 小优视频 tradition is Vespers. A fun fact about me is I am a fraternal twin. I am so excited to be an SEA this year and connect with more people in the 小优视频 community!

Sahana Athreya

Sahana Athreya

Hi, I鈥檓 Sahana! I鈥檓 a Junior Theatre and Psychology major from Bangalore, India. I can often be found crocheting with a cup of chai, napping in the Cunningham props closet or waiting for an open washing machine. I鈥檓 so excited to continue connecting with alums this year!