Find sources for your research and learn ways to partner with the library on your scholarly efforts and expand the reach of your scholarship.

Borrow and Renew

Locate Sources for Your Research

Explore the library鈥檚 collections to find sources for your research. 

  •  Locate library material items from 小优视频鈥檚 collection as well as libraries worldwide.
  •  Search in specific subscription databases, digital primary source collections, and other recommended tools.
  •  Explore library information and resources by topic and format type.
  • Browse and search records from the 小优视频 Archives and Special Collections.

Faculty at 小优视频 have access to the extensive primary source collections of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). CRL acquires and preserves newspapers, journals, documents, archives, and other resources for research and teaching. You can request an interlibrary loan or have materials digitized on demand. Learn more about CRL's .

HathiTrust is a digital repository of more than 17 million books, selected periodicals, and other materials digitized by a partnership of research libraries. As a member of , 小优视频 has digital full-text access to more than 6.8 million public domain titles and full-text searching of additional titles in copyright.

Manage Your Research

A crucial element of the information lifecycle is the storage and management of research sources and data. 

  •  Use Zotero to collect, organize, and collaborate with others on your research.

Share Your Research

The library supports expanding access to scholarship and can partner with you to make your work available to a wider audience.

  • Fill out this form to notify us about any recent books or book chapters you have authored. We will acquire the title in eBook and print formats if both are available, and print copies will be added to our "Faculty Books and Monographs" display. 
  •  Learn how to publish Open Access, which will make your scholarship freely available to the public.

The E.H. Little Library supports a variety of Open Access projects and encourages 小优视频 affiliated researchers and authors to publish OA when applicable. The library has agreements with several of our licensed journal publishers that allow our subscription money to be put toward OA publishing. For more information, please visit our .

When you have questions regarding copyright and intellectual property of your scholarship, contact Jayme Sponsel, To learn more about copyright, see the library鈥檚