Amazing Adolescence: Expert advice for parents of tweens and teens

Illustration of mother and daughter hugging

Eye rolls, arguments, friend drama鈥攖hese are some of the things we identify with adolescence. But Psychology Prof. Catherine Bagwell wants parents to know that adolescence has gotten a bad rap.

It started with G. Stanley Hall, whose 1904 tome, Adolescence, launched a new area of scholarly research. That influential book characterizes adolescence, now understood as the period from roughly 10 to 18, as a time of 鈥渟torm and stress.鈥 The negative stereotypes stuck.

While adolescence may pose some challenges, Bagwell says, it鈥檚 also a time of enormous growth and learning.

Bagwell, the Virginia Lasater Irvin Professor of Psychology, studies adolescent social development and peer relationships. Here, she offers advice for parents and caregivers of adolescents.

Illustration concept of parents nurturing children's minds

Nothing Personal

Neuroscience has played a huge role in the way we think about adolescence and adulthood. In terms of brain development and learning, the adolescent period is second only to the first five years of life. Unused neural networks are pruned away, while others are strengthened. The prefrontal cortex, the command center for our thoughts and actions, continues to develop well into our 20s.

鈥淒ifferent parts of the brain are developing at different rates, and some of that helps explain the behaviors that sometimes parents think of as exasperating,鈥 Bagwell says. 鈥淚t makes sense when you think about the fact that the limbic system, which controls emotions, is developing much faster than the prefrontal cortex, which allows us to have control and executive function.鈥

On average, conflict between parents and children increases in early adolescence and peaks around the ages of 13 or 14, Bagwell says. Those experiences can become a dominant framework for how parents and caregivers think about adolescence, when in fact the conflict is an indication of cognitive development.

鈥淎utonomy is one of the goals of adolescence,鈥 she says, 鈥渁nd so you actually want them to be questioning and asserting their own opinions and ideas, and maybe thinking differently than you are as a parent.鈥

Bagwell, who is the parent of an emerging adult and an adolescent, gets that it鈥檚 not always easy to approach conflict with the cool detachment of a scientist observing a chrysalis give way to a butterfly. 鈥淚n the moment, it鈥檚 really hard when they鈥檙e arguing with you about every little thing to be like, 鈥極h, this is great. Look at how you鈥檙e showing your abilities to think in more complicated ways.鈥欌

But sometimes, a little perspective can go a long way.

Illustration of teen on a snow ski

Risky Business

Teens have been known to engage in risky behavior. Bagwell says research using fMRI technology has illuminated what goes on in the brain when adolescents make decisions, and how that brain activity differs from that of adults.

鈥淚t used to be thought that adolescents are just not as good at weighing consequences of actions and really thinking through the pros and cons of different decisions as adults are,鈥 Bagwell says. 鈥淲hat we see now is that they鈥檙e actually pretty good at that. They can make the same sort of pro/con list that an adult can鈥攚hat鈥檚 different is how they evaluate it.鈥

Bagwell says research shows adolescents are much more drawn to rewards, have a difficult time delaying gratification and are much more attuned to immediate (rather than long-term) consequences.

It鈥檚 not that they can鈥檛 rationally think through the risks of a decision, she says. It鈥檚 just that they then evaluate the risks differently from adults.

Illustration of teen sleeping at the computer

Shifting Shut-eye

It can be a little baffling when the kid who once popped out of bed at first light to watch cartoons or play video games turns into a night owl who can鈥檛 be bothered before noon. Your adolescent is not lazy鈥攚ith maturation comes changes to the duration and quality of the types of sleep we cycle through each night.

鈥淚n connection with puberty, there are changes in melatonin release,鈥 Bagwell says. 鈥淭he need to sleep is delayed two hours, on average. So, adolescents biologically are driven to stay up later and wake up later.鈥

Start times for middle- and high-schoolers in most school districts don鈥檛 track with what we know about this stage of brain development.

Bagwell says some school districts have experimented with delaying start times, to positive effect. One Colorado school district saw significant decreases in reports of drowsy driving by students, and those reports were backed up by the data鈥攎otor vehicle accidents decreased in tandem with the delayed start times.

On top of the physiological changes responsible for the shift, adolescents using electronic devices before bed may get to sleep even later and experience poor sleep quality鈥攖hat鈥檚 why Bagwell and others recommend keeping electronic devices out of the bedroom. 

Illustration of mother and daughter using technology

Tricky Tech

For parents, keeping up with new social media platforms might feel like running a race with no finish line. But, Bagwell says, parents need to stay on top of what their adolescents are doing鈥攖he platforms they鈥檙e using and how they鈥檙e using them.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to adolescents and social media use. Bagwell recommends discussing digital literacy鈥攆or instance, how to trust sources of information鈥攁s well as asking social media-specific questions. 

鈥淵ou might ask, 鈥榊ou鈥檙e seeing all of these pictures of your friends and they look a certain way 鈥 how are you kind of just getting a piece of what they want to present to you?鈥欌 Bagwell says. 鈥淚 think we sometimes assume that kids understand, but they don鈥檛 necessarily.鈥

Use your powers of observation. Think about why your kid might be using a particular platform or engaging in a particular way. Is it because it provides an easy way to connect socially with other people? Is the way they鈥檙e using it contributing to them feeling bad about themselves? Are they actively creating content, or are they just kind of lurking and looking at other people鈥檚 content?

Cultivating an understanding of how your kids are using it, what they鈥檙e getting out of it and how they think about it is important.

And, Bagwell says, parents need to practice what they preach.

鈥淲e need to be aware of how we鈥檙e modeling our technology use and making sure that we鈥檙e not sending the 鈥渄o as I say, not as I do,鈥 kind of message,鈥 Bagwell says.

As adolescents grow and change, so too should the rules around social media use.

鈥淵ou constantly have to negotiate and renegotiate what your family thinks about social media,鈥 Bagwell says, 鈥渁nd what your family rules are about how these things are used.鈥

Research shows that parts of the reward circuitry in the adolescent brain shift into hyperdrive when a social media post accumulates 鈥渓ikes.鈥 The adult brain鈥檚 response is more measured. We don鈥檛 fully understand how social media affects adolescents, but the desire for affirmation and immediate feedback can lead to problematic use.

Bagwell says parents need to be aware of signs that social media use might be problematic. Some things to look out for: they are not wanting to engage with people in person, they don鈥檛 want to go to a friend鈥檚 house because they would rather stay on their device, they鈥檙e not willing to go outside, they鈥檝e been on their phone for a while and they鈥檙e in a really bad mood afterward, it seems to be making them feel worse about themselves.

The key takeaway? Stay engaged.

鈥淭he most important thing is for parents to say, 鈥楲ook, this is an important part of their lives, it鈥檚 going to be there, and I need to understand it and I need to have conversations about it, and I need to be aware that it鈥檚 constantly changing.鈥欌


Illustration of friends playing game on a computer together

Parents to Peers

Adolescents want to spend more time with their friends and less time with family. Parents may take an unfavorable view of the shift because of concerns about peer pressure and negative peer influence.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 mean to downplay those concerns as unimportant,鈥 Bagwell says, 鈥渂ut establishing close, intimate friendships and really engaging with peers and friends in meaningful ways is incredibly important for adolescents.鈥

She says parents can help by creating opportunities for positive peer relationships to flourish.

鈥淧arents get annoyed or frustrated that they want to spend all their time with their friends,鈥 Bagwell says. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 something they need to be doing.鈥

Illustration of family spending time together at the movies

Staying Connected

Don鈥檛 let the sideways looks fool you鈥攜our adolescent might want to spend more time with friends, but they still crave connection to family. 

Building those connections before adolescence will go a long way to maintaining them throughout the developmental period, Bagwell says.  

鈥淚n terms of creating that closeness and communication, and being interested and involved, some of it is just trying to maintain what you鈥檝e established already,鈥 she says. 鈥淐reating time for the family to spend together takes effort. Even though it gets challenging, and it seems like your adolescent might be brushing you off, you have to keep on it. It could be as simple as family dinner time, but maintaining that closeness is really important.鈥

They still need you in their lives, she says. 鈥淵ou鈥檙e incredibly important to them, even though it doesn鈥檛 always feel like it.鈥

Illustration of mother releasing butterfly

Hello, Butterfly

Yes, it鈥檚 a period of significant growth and development, and with that comes change. But, Bagwell says, we need to get beyond the conception of 鈥渟torm and stress鈥 and celebrate adolescence.

鈥淚t鈥檚 fun to spend time with them, and to see how they are different from you, how they are starting to have their own opinions,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 exciting.鈥

Her final words of advice:

鈥淓mbrace all of the incredible, amazing changes that are happening that allow kids to turn into the wonderful human beings we want them to be.鈥

This article was originally published in the Fall/Winter 2023 print issue of the 小优视频 Journal Magazine; for more, please see the 小优视频 Journal section of our website.