Fall/Winter 2023 Issue

Feature Story Teaching Through Turmoil

These public-school educators teach, lead, counsel, nurture and care.

Education for All

Rat Pack Mentor

Professor Julio Ramirez鈥檚 outsized impact on Alzheimer鈥檚 research and the lives of his students.

Not Just Neural Networks

Shaping 小优视频

Over the past 50 years, women have served as leaders across campus, pioneers into the unknown, champions of change and advocates for a better future. Their stories reflect the ever-evolving 小优视频 community and forge a path for generations to come.

Shattering The Glass Ceiling

Officer, Felon, Democracy Crusader

The cast and crew of the new Disney + and Hulu series, Sam鈥擜 Saxon visited 小优视频 in September and urged vigilance against rising authoritarianism.

The Union



J. Blanton Belk: It鈥檚 an unfinished world, and it鈥檚 still in the making鈥 by J. Blanton Belk Jr. 鈥46 (2020, Pediment Publishing). The memoir by the founder of Up With People is a narrative that encapsulates the upheavals of the 1960s, weaving together Cold War tensions, civil rights struggles and anti-Vietnam War sentiment. Belk鈥檚 remarkable vision to channel the youthful energy of that era into a positive force for change is at the heart of this story. 

Tell It True by John Pruitt 鈥64 (2022, Mercer University Press) follows the shocking murder of an African American serviceman who is gunned down on a rural Georgia road in July 1964. The murder ensnares a wide range of characters, including the journalists who cover it, the lawmen who must solve it, the civil rights leaders who capitalize upon it, the politicians who exploit it, and the Atlanta magnate who fears its impact on the New South image he desperately wants to protect. 

Exploring the Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood: From History and Method to Arts and Politics by Peter Skagestad 鈥68 (2021, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc). The book sheds light on the profound contributions of Robin George Collingwood, a pivotal figure in 20th century philosophy. By exploring Collingwood鈥檚 expansive body of work encompassing various philosophical domains, including knowledge theory, metaphysics, art, history, and social and political philosophy, Skagestad underscores Collingwood鈥檚 enduring relevance in the contemporary world.

Business Development Stories and Lessons: Forty Five Years of Tech Industry Tales by Allen C. Shay 鈥76 (2023, self-published) shares valuable insights and stories from Shay鈥檚 extensive career as a tech industry entrepreneur and business development executive spanning 45 years. The book is a practical guide aimed at assisting both business development professionals and entrepreneurs in enhancing their chances of success. 

Lights on Lancaster: How One American City Harnesses the Power of the Arts to Transform its Communities by John R. Gerdy 鈥79 (2023, Top Reads Publishing, LLC) offers an insightful exploration of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, showcasing the city鈥檚 distinctiveness in fostering a thriving arts culture. Gerdy鈥檚 work serves as an inspiring blueprint, demonstrating how communities can embrace and harness the transformative power of the arts. 

The Plinko Bounce by Martin Clark 鈥81 (2023, Rare Bird Books) is a riveting legal thriller that follows Andy Hughes, a dedicated public defender, as he grapples with a high-profile murder case in rural Virginia. Clark, lauded as 鈥渢he thinking man鈥檚 John Grisham鈥 by the New York Times, paints a vivid portrayal of a flawed justice system and its intricate workings, exposing the complexities and moral dilemmas faced by those within it. 

Under This Forgetful Sky by Lauren Yero 鈥07 (2023, Atheneum Books for Young Readers), is set in a dystopian future and intricately weaves a poignant narrative of love and societal inequality. The star-crossed romance between Rumi and Paz unfolds amidst the harsh backdrop of a divided world, making readers both ache and hope for their survival in a world plagued by environmental devastation and social disparities.

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Faculty Notes

Africana Studies

Takiyah Harper-Shipman has received a Fulbright Teaching and Research Award for the 2023-2024 academic year. She will be spending that time in Senegal.


John Corso-Esquivel was one of three guest speakers for the Cranbrook Academy of Art symposium, 鈥淪hared Histories: 25 Years of Cranbrook Fiber.鈥 He delivered a talk entitled, 鈥淐rafting Identity: Exploring Subjectivity in Fiber Art Studies, 1997鈥2023.鈥 

Joelle Dietrick exhibited her project 鈥淐hasing the Sun at the Shirley Project Space鈥 in Brooklyn from September through November. She also presented the project on a panel titled 鈥淎rtist as Agent in the Age of Climate Crisis鈥 at the 2023 SECAC conference at Virginia Commonwealth University in October.


Karen Bernd and Cindy Hauser (chemistry) were awarded an NIH AREA award for $410,141 to support their research project titled, 鈥淚dentifying correlations between the physico-chemical properties of waterpipe tobacco smoke and its impact on lung cell health, as a function of shisha flavor and smoking topography.鈥 The three-year project continues their collaborative laboratory project providing biomedical research experiences for approximately 40 students, including stipends, software and research supplies. The award also provides support for their professional development efforts to continue and expand inclusive recruiting and mentoring approaches.

Communication Studies

Amanda R. Martinez and her honors thesis advisees (Class of 2020), Daniel Bunson (Communication Studies) and Mariana Crespo (Sociology), coauthored a chapter, 鈥淕rounded in Community: Sustainability and Collective Actions,鈥 in the recently published book, Strategic Social Media as Activism: Repression, Resistance, Rebellion, Reform (Routledge).

Computer Science

Mark Sample and Raghu Ramanujan were selected for the National Humanities Center鈥檚 Responsible AI initiative. They received funding to develop a team-taught course in the humanities that explores the ethical use and irresponsible misuse of AI in the arts, literature, and in our daily lives. That course, 鈥淐ritical AI Studies,鈥 launches in spring 2024. Meanwhile, Sample鈥檚 digital poem 鈥淥ne for Grundy鈥 was published in the Spring 2023 issue of the digital art and poetry journal Taper.


Alison Bory鈥檚 鈥淔ostering Love: Mothering as a Practice鈥 was published in Dancing Motherhood, written and edited by Ali Duffy (Routledge, 2023).


Caleb Stoup鈥檚 paper, 鈥淢acroeconomic Research, Present and Past,鈥 was just published in the Journal of Economic Literature.


Brenda Flanagan won a Fulbright Specialist Award to collaborate with teachers to develop curricula in post-colonial African Literature in Cape Town, South Africa, in the fall of 2023. 

Cynthia Lewis has published a literary essay, 鈥淲hat Happened to the Apple-Ipecac Pie?: The Coen Brothers and Shakespearean Tragedy,鈥 in the Spring 2023 edition of Literary Matters

Alan Michael Parker had two stories published and a third longlisted for a prize. 鈥淓lla鈥檚 Letter to the Editor of the Universe,鈥 was an Editor鈥檚 Choice selection at LITRO, 鈥淪peculative Fiction鈥 was published by Necessary Fiction (UK), and 鈥淢iniatures,鈥 was longlisted for the FISH Flash Prize (UK). Three of Parker鈥檚 cartoons鈥斺淎rlo the ant鈥檚 To-do list,鈥 鈥淏usiness Attire Makes Pam Feel Like a Sausage,鈥 and 鈥淢onica Gave Him The Look鈥濃攚ere accepted into a juried show, Comic Crossing: The Art of the Graphic Narrative, at Livermore Arts in California. His 75th cartoon鈥攚eekly, since January of 2022鈥攈as been published in Identity Theory

Ann Fox led a recent session of 鈥淒rawing Together,鈥 a monthly virtual meet-up where members of the world-wide Graphic Medicine community gather to draw, support one another and share. Fox also has been appointed to the national steering committee for the proposed National Disability History and Culture Museum, a project to create a museum about American disability history and culture as part of the Smithsonian Institution.

German Studies

Burkhard Henke has been appointed chief reader for the AP German Language and Culture exam. Chief Readers help develop the test, then plan and oversee the scoring (or 鈥渞eading鈥) of the free-response section of the test.


Rose Stremlau and Hilary Green participated in a roundtable on 鈥淭eaching the History of Sexual Violence in the Age of #MeToo鈥 at the recent meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Stremlau has been appointed to the North Carolina Historical Marker Commission.

Latin American Studies

Russell Crandall reviewed the book The War on Drugs: A History in the Summer 2023 issue of the Bulletin of the History of Medicine. Crandall鈥檚 new book is Forging Latin America: Profiles in Power and Ideas, 1492 to Today (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023). 

Britta Crandall and Russell Crandall also have published 鈥淭he Monroe Doctrine Turns 200. Why Won鈥檛 It Go Away?鈥 in the summer issue of Americas Quarterly.


Two of Jennifer Stasack鈥檚 works for women鈥檚 chorus were performed by MUSE Cincinnati Women鈥檚 Choir on their 40th Annual Spring Anniversary Concert, Hope is an Action. Closing the first half of the program was Stasack鈥檚 SSAA/piano arrangement of Holly Near鈥檚 Something About the Women, MUSE鈥檚 first commissioned arrangement for women鈥檚 chorus (1987). The second half of their program included Wage Peace, Stasack鈥檚 setting of Judyth Hill鈥檚 poem in response to 9/11.


Kristen Thompson coauthored 鈥淕NOMES II: Analysis of the Galactic diffuse molecular ISM in all four ground state hydroxyl transitions using AMOEBA鈥 in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

Anthony Kuchera was awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation ($210,000) titled 鈥淐ollaborative Research: RUI: Study of Neutron-Rich Nuclei and Neutron Detector Response.鈥 He and his students will continue their participation in the Modular Neutron Array Collaboration and perform experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Another three-year grant from the National Science Foundation ($362,494) titled 鈥淐ollaborative Research: Equipment: MRI Consortium: Track 2 Development of a Next Generation Fast Neutron Detector鈥 will allow Kuchera and his students to build part of a neutron detector with other members of the MoNA Collaboration to ultimately be used at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. 

Michelle Kuchera and Raghu Ramanujan were awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation ($599,836) titled 鈥淓lements: Portable Machine Learning Models for Experimental Nuclear Physics.鈥 This work will continue to support the efforts of their ALPhA (Algorithms for Learning in Physics Applications) group, where students will apply cutting-edge AI tools to address important problems in nuclear physics.

Political Science

Katherine Bersch鈥檚 book, When Democracies Deliver: Governance Reform in Latin America, won the 2023 Herbert A. Simon Book Award from the American Political Science Association Public Administration Section. Bersch also published 鈥淣eoliberal Reform of Transport Institutions in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile: The Tortoise Beats the Hare鈥 in State Making and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain.

Psychology and Neuroscience

Julio Ramirez has been appointed to the editorial board of The Neuroscientist, which is a prestigious journal publishing state-of-the-art reviews at the interface of basic and clinical neurosciences. The international editorial board is composed of Nobel Prize laureates and experts from top institutions from around the world.

Public Health

Kata Chillag and colleagues from The Evaluation Center, Western Michigan University, were awarded a contract from the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) to lead a multi-site evaluation of electronic case reporting for public health surveillance/ data modernization. This project will involve collaboration with CSTE, CDC, the Association of Public Health Laboratories, and other public health agencies.


Gayle Kaufman received a grant from the Russell Sage Foundation for their research with colleagues at Purdue and Ball State universities on 鈥淎ttitudes about Parental Leave-Taking for Single and SameGender Parents.鈥 Kaufman also published an article with Molly Bair 鈥19 entitled 鈥淕ender, LGB status, and attitudes toward traditional wedding practices鈥 in the Social Science Journal.

Aarushi Bhandari published an article with Rebekah Burroway of Stony Brook University: 鈥淗old the phone! A cross-national analysis of women鈥檚 education, mobile phones, and HIV infections in low- and middle-income countries, 1990鈥2018鈥 in Social Science and Medicine

Gerardo Mart铆 presented his Presidential Address in Philadelphia at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, an international scholarly association committed to the advancement of theory and research. Drawing on his current Lilly Endowment funded research on religiously-motivated antiracism, his plenary lecture was titled, 鈥淩acial Justice and Racialized Religion: Are White Progressive Christians Getting It Right?鈥 The address will be published in Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review.


Sharon Green was awarded a fellowship from the Eugene O鈥橬eill Foundation to spend two weeks as a Travis Bogart artist-in-residence at Tao House, O鈥橬eill鈥檚 former residence in Danville, California. While there she worked on her documentary play, 鈥淭eaching and Learning in Pandemic Times鈥 based on interviews with K鈥12 teachers, and did a preliminary reading of excerpts for the Foundation鈥檚 Board of Directors. Green鈥檚 article, 鈥淧andemic Pedagogy: Snapshots from a Year of COVID-impacted Teaching in Three Artefacts,鈥 was published in a special issue of the journal, Performance Matters. The special issue is titled, 鈥淭he Syllabus is the Thing: Materialities of the Performance Studies Classroom.鈥 

Writing Program

Fangzhi He published an article, 鈥淣egotiating Polycentric Power Dynamics in China through Digital Multimodal Composing,鈥 in TESOL Quarterly.