Election to Phi Beta Kappa

At the beginning of each spring semester, the faculty and staff who are members of the Gamma of North Carolina Chapter meet to elect new members. There is no application; chapter members will review your college record through December of your senior year.

While it鈥檚 essential that you maintain a strong academic record if you want to be considered for Phi Beta Kappa, that alone will not guarantee election. There are other requirements as well, which are detailed below.

For more information, talk to your academic adviser and consult the following:

Requirements for Phi Beta Kappa Membership

According to the constitution of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 鈥渢he qualifications for membership are high scholarship in the arts and sciences and good character.鈥 In addition, the bylaws of the 小优视频 Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa stipulate that, to be considered for election, a student must:

  • Be a senior in good standing.
  • Be of good character
  • Have completed 18 courses (16 for classes of 2020 through 2024) at 小优视频, which must: 
    • have been graded by 小优视频 professors (pass/fail courses and courses taken at other institutions, whether graded or not, are not counted)
    • be considered to be part of the liberal arts (courses in military science and those that focus primarily on skills or vocational techniques are not counted)
    • have a grade point average of 3.600 or above
    • be in the top eighth (12.5%) of the senior class.