Use the for all capital projects or purchases with a total cost of $5,000 or more, including an aggregate purchases in excess of $25,000 for multiple capital items that individually are less than $5,000.

Capital items, which will benefit the department for at least three years, include:

  • Expenditures for new construction
  • Building renovations and additions
  • Scientific, office and plant equipment

 If you have any questions about this form, contact our assistant controller at 704-894-2066.

Online Capital Project Authorization Form

Forms should be submitted for all capital purchases, regardless of the funding source.

When you submit the , your department head will receive an email with a link to review the form. They should approve the form online and route the form to the next approver. For more detailed instructions, review the . You can also review the status of your form at the or see the final approved form with the assigned Project # and Task # in . 

Projects/purchases approved by the Trustees as a part of the fiscal year Capital Budget process will be assigned a "Capital Budget ID" that must be included on the form. A Capital Project/Purchase Authorization Form is required in addition to the Trustee approval to ensure that affected departments (Physical Plant, T&I, etc.) are aware of, and able to support the project, as well as notify the Business Office for cash management and financial statement purposes. 

Capital Budget ID numbers (e.g CP2401) can be found here: 

  • (Google Doc)
  • (Google Doc)

Once the capital project form has been fully approved, a Project Number and Task number will be established in Oracle.  All activity related to the project must be charged to that Project/Task Number, not to the funding source. 

For expenses processed on Purchase Requisitions (supplier invoices): After the purchase requisition has been added to the shopping cart, click Review and scroll down to the Billing section.  Enter the Project #, Task #, Expenditure Type (i.e., equipment > $5,000, etc.) and Expenditure Organization (your cost center).  Ignore the Charge Account.

For expenses processed via Expense Reports (p-card charges and employee reimbursements):  Select the 小优视频 Capital Expenses template and select the Type of expense.  Additional fields will appear under the Account string - Ignore the Account string and enter the Project Number and Task Number and complete the expense report as you normally would.